Crafts: A Year Worth of Dates in Fortune Cookies!
A sweet Craft for Valentines Day!
After making a jar of dates last year around this time, I was disappointed to pull one out the other day and realize that many only applied to Kansas City and couldn’t be done in Springfield.
After a search on Pinterest, I found this idea of fortune cookie dates which was a nice way for us to make new dates relating to our new city.
From: Paper Vine (more details here)
You’ll need:
-Cardstock paper
-Notebook paper
Cut the card-stock into 12 circles, and the notebook paper into twelve strips. With your partner, each write on half of the strips and put into the middle of the card-stock circle, fold the circle into a fortune cookie shape (with a little practice it get’s easier) and tape the ends so it won’t come undone!
Open a fortune cookie date every month… and enjoy your dates!
You may want to record your dates in a date journal, as I talk about here
Have a great Valentines day!!