Cooking,  Family


I sat on the couch along with my new book and took a deep breath. A feeling came over me. One that I have felt lately. I did not have any plans. Family had just left and the trip I had planned for them for the last few weeks was accomplished and enjoyed. Now I was just… Home. I looked over to the pile of christmas magazines sitting in the corner of the room but I just couldn’t get myself to start planning another party so soon. The kitchen was perfectly clean, thanks to my mom and grandma who took the time to do so after each meal this weekend.

Alone in the living room I made a choice. A choice to always remember to appreciate not only the moments that are planned and prepared, but also to learn to enjoy those where life is so calm and almost stands still.

A hot simmering pot of orange peels seemed to be a great way to honor that choice.

These candied orange peels are perfect with a cup of coffee or as a midday snack. During christmas time my grandma makes a whole bowl full to add to the christmas cookie plates and I can tell you, if you like Orange and chocolate there is rare a Holliday occasion that can’t be enhanced by an orange peel dipped in silky smooth ganache.

-orange peels+pith (about 4 oranges)
-2 cups simple syrup (2 cups water 1 1/2 cups sugar)
-sugar coated baking sheet

Peel the oranges and cut the peel into long slivers. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Cook the peels for 40 minutes. Drain, rinse and drain the peels.

Create the simple syrup and add it to the pot. Drop in the orange peels and simmer in the syrup mixture for 15 minutes.

Drain the syrup and reserve it in a mason jar as orange syrup for cocktails, and to add to cakes, or glazes.

Drop the orange peels onto the sugary cookie sheet and roll them around in the sugar. Place each peel onto a drying rack and allow to dry 1-2 days before re-rolling then in a little more sugar and giving them a chocolate bath.

These will save about a month once made. But if you enjoy them as much as me, they will barely make it a week.


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